By alex - 16/02/2010 16:43 - United States

Today, while working at my new job at a veterinary hospital, I was excited that I set a urinary catheter in a dog for the first time. I guess I was a little too enthusiastic though, because I pulled it out too fast and bloody urine splashed up all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 118
You deserved it 32 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

texas_justice 0
purplemnm 9

ydi, it's painful when you pull out the needle too fast, control your emotions woman!


casanova305 0

did you lube the dog up first..

upshawty 0

who the hell gets THAt excited over something like that...

You all are idiots. If you're in this field and you learn to do something that difficult for the first time CORRECTLY, it's very exciting. I remember being super excited when I placed my first IV catheter in front of the most critical teacher in the world. And the dog was probably sedated so he didn't feel anything anyway. OP, are you a vet? Where I work, only the vets are allowed to place urinary catheters. Just wondering.

:( Poor dog. Opt, YDI for not doing your job properly.

swgipe 9

I'm a RVT and I'm allowed to place urinary caths, if my vet asks me too. I get really excited about stuff like that too. At least it wasn't anal glands, right? And hopefully the dog didn't have lepto! It's nice to see someone else who gets excited about stuff like that. I found a toxocara on a float that just ruptured and looked like Pac Man and my coworkers walked around all day going "wacawacawaca!" at each other. Ok everyone, go back to your jobs at MacDonalds and envy us who actually have a CAREER!

crazy_vet_tech 10

I totally agree with you swgipe ....getting to do something new at your job (or at school for me right now) is so exciting. Everyone who is like 'ewe, that is so gross blah blah blah' must have very boring jobs that they dont even like....otherwise they wouldn't be so mean just because someopne was actually excited to get to do their job

poor dog, I guess his shaft of wonders was to exciting for you. you mist have been a modern day Alice in wonderland

_mystique_ 0

YDI for trying to be a know it all at your new job.

More like: Today I was at the vet and the new tech didn't know what she was doing. When she removed my catheter it hurt like hell and I bleed everywhere. FML