By alex - 16/02/2010 16:43 - United States

Today, while working at my new job at a veterinary hospital, I was excited that I set a urinary catheter in a dog for the first time. I guess I was a little too enthusiastic though, because I pulled it out too fast and bloody urine splashed up all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 118
You deserved it 32 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

texas_justice 0
purplemnm 9

ydi, it's painful when you pull out the needle too fast, control your emotions woman!


hydro_fml 0

Fyl for you, Piss Face, win for the dog, he's effortlessly marked new territory.

crazy_vet_tech 10

well I am going to school to be a vet tech and I would be very excited if I were going to do a urinary cath. I totally agree that having blody urine splashed in your face sucks, but you kinda deserved it because obviously you were not doing it properly. No matter how excited/nervous you get you always need to put the animal's welfare above your own. Blood and urine and vomit and all kinds of other gross stuff just comes with the territory.

toasterlovin 0

this makes me wonder...when a human doctor screws up, does he go "aww you ******, you got blood on my brand new scrubs. sit tight while I go blog about how inconvenient this is for me" if your a doctor,I'd really like to know if you guys do that. I kinda doubt it but you never know :)

bobbybill0519 7

who gets excited wen they put tubes on a dog's genitals?

mandy248 0

omg!!!!!!!!! that's discusting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FYL!!!

littlejew 0

that's really disgusting, getting excited from putting a tube up a dogs weehole! you shouldn't be allowed to touch animals...

sepdps 0

stupid son of a bitch. go die in a damn hole **** face