By kennarama - 16/02/2010 16:35 - United States

Today, I sat a client down for his haircut. He pulled off his hat and his hair was dripping wet. I asked him if he had just washed it. He responded, "No, but isn't it a hot day out?" No, it's twenty degrees and overcast today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 596
You deserved it 2 545

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Ain't oily, greasy, sweaty hair sexy? Think of it like lube.......

YeahFMLxX 0

Did no one play football, or wrestle, or play softball, or run track in high school? Sweats normal, leave the man alone, he may of had a fever or a gland/pore problem! I'm never nice on fml, but last time I went to the barber my appendix had just ruptured and I had a cold sweat, nasty fever, and threw up blood all over the chair! If you don't like humans, work in an office cubicle! 'Nuff said.


Tweety122888 0

either op's an idiot or it's just plain retarded. he JUST washed his hair. He was being sarcastic duh!

No way it's 20 degrees anywhere in this heat wave. Stop being a b@&$! And do your job.

#186 If the guy was being sarcastic the OP would know by now and obviously wouldn't have posted this. The OP nows a lot more about the situation than you do.

yeouch doesnt get mucher hotter than that does it ? insert bad pun haha .

YeahFMLxX 0

Sounds like your in the wrong profession if your disgusted by sweat!

it's just sweat...who cares that's why you get paid :)

YeahFMLxX 0

Did no one play football, or wrestle, or play softball, or run track in high school? Sweats normal, leave the man alone, he may of had a fever or a gland/pore problem! I'm never nice on fml, but last time I went to the barber my appendix had just ruptured and I had a cold sweat, nasty fever, and threw up blood all over the chair! If you don't like humans, work in an office cubicle! 'Nuff said.

doink 0

Holy shit #62. That sounds painful and messy.

boyguydudemalema 0

#62 had more of an fml than the OP

@62 it has nothing to do with liking humans. I'm a hairstylist and I love my job.. although I'm not really a 'people person'. if you enjoy your job you can deal with it. but when it comes to touching a strangers body fluids that's where I draw the line. it's VERY disgusting.. and the smell of a sweaty scalp is enough to make someone feel nauseous.. you can always wash it of course ..but once you get a whiff of it the smell lingers in your nostrils.. yuck

YeahFMLxX 0

Understood 106. I appreciate the clarification (: !

jasonsaied 1

lol op is stupid I'm pretty sure the guy was joking

how does a sweaty headed guy make the OP a bad hairdresser? It doesn't. Precisely.

#62, what the bloody hell were you doing getting a haircut when your appendix had just ruptured? Did you not have bigger things to worry about? And how did your hair look once you came to? FYL that sounds awful.

YeahFMLxX 0

I didn't know for sure I had appendicidis: I thought it might be a virus, then when blood started gushing from my mouth, I knew there was a problem.

YeahFMLxX 0

Oh and as for the cut.. Well she hadn't started.. So I guess okay, the week and a half after that's a blur, so yeah. Morphine <3!

tweetbaby14 18

oh yes fyl because the guy had sweaty hair uh no you are gonna wash it anyway so why does it matter stop your whining.

mikeyboi19 5

gosh maybe it was just a joke. you shoulda licked his head to make sure

number 54 has THE best picture EVER!!!! hahaha

so you're saying you'd cut sweat drenxhed hair? fail.

I'm a hairdresser too and I hate it when that happens! I hate it even more when I ask if they want their head washed beforehand and they say no, cos there is NOTHING I love more than touching your stinking sweaty scalp. ick

Why did you go get a haircut if you were feeling that bad?

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Ain't oily, greasy, sweaty hair sexy? Think of it like lube.......

MadaZer0 8

Ewww... I think I just got a boner D:

Arinwyn 0

I think I love you does indeed work for him(:

@67 I dont kbow whats more disgusting, the fact that you got a boner from that or that your a guy with that profile pic

raithex 0

Uh, please explain how "lolwut," is against your rules?

My bad, I hit moderate instead of the comment link. I should lay off the heroin.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

It's okay. Heroin is hard to stop.. *looks around suspiciously* STOP STARING AT ME.

Don't do it Sirin, that's what they want you to do.

Everything in moderation Sirin, any of those mushrooms left BTW?

Sure, magic mushrooms for everyone! Just don't go telling Ajjas about this though.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Sweet *takes magic mushrooms* And if you're not gonna use that heroin.....

thoughtcrimeno1 0

We watched the magic mushroom episode of Entourage last night. My daughter couldn't figure out why we thought it was so funny. I was just happy she didn't get it. LOL

Shystai 0

Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail

*look my shoelaces are tying themselves *

YeahFMLxX 0

All mighty moderator! stop nodding my crappp please (= ! Love you Sirin!

YeahFMLxX 0
Ajjas013 6

What?! Magic Mushrooms without me!? ...Betrayed by my own sist-- THE MODERATOR!

YeahFMLxX 0

Ah Ajjas you never fail to leave me mouth agape. 0:

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Here, Ajjas. *Shares magic mushrooms* You have to give me some LSD, though, or else I'll knock you unconscious in the middle of a shroom trip and you'll wake up confused, being raped by a mysterious figure in Cuba.

Ajjas013 6

I thought the term was, you'll wake up underwater in Cuba. And no, I refuse. I wanna see Sirin grovel for forgiveness. Or beat the shit out of me.

MermaidSongXOXO 6
Ajjas013 6

Yeah it posted somewhere down there too. Would you really kick my ass? *Sobs*

purplemnm 9

first step to recovering from addiction: admitting your addiction. yay for Sirin

shut up you bitch. not even for that comment, I just don't like you.

purplemnm 9

pass the doobie to the left hand side :D -runs and sits to the left of sirin-

This is probably the best thread I've seen in years.

ninja_ness 3

sounds yummeh lol jk that's f-in nasty