Call the cops

By Anonymous - 08/03/2024 19:00 - United Kingdom

Today, I discovered that my fiancé bought my engagement ring with money he earned by selling my nudes to online perverts. I don’t even know how or when he took those photos, I’ve never ever allowed him to take photos of me naked. It’s disgusting FML
I agree, your life sucks 649
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

not only dump him but take him to court and jail. that's illegal and you can get paid a lot on punitive damages. make him regret being a cheapskate perv

Call off the engagement and call the cops.


Call off the engagement and call the cops.

not only dump him but take him to court and jail. that's illegal and you can get paid a lot on punitive damages. make him regret being a cheapskate perv

Wadlaen 23

So, you've actually paid for your own engagement ring - sounds like you've got a fiance with a pretty good financial sense!

you mean ex fiance right? put his ass to the curb.

Keep the ring, you've earned it. Dump the boyfriend, and even get him charged with a crime if you're willing.