By urinanalysis - 03/12/2009 16:08 - Canada

Today, I went to get blood and urine tests done before work. As I was attempting to aim into the cup, I lost balance and slipped. I ended up peeing on my sleeves and my pants. I was late for work and I smelled like pee. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 364
You deserved it 7 312

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step one: Roll up your sleeves. Step two: Pull down your pants. Step three (optional): TEST TRICKLE Step four: Put cup in appropriate place. Step five: Pee. I don't know what the hell kind of gymnastics you were pulling, OP.

OP, you have a coordination of a 2 year old.


Well it sucks for you because it's always better to be pissed off than pissed on. Try ringing out your shirt into the cup.

MzRodriquez95 0

wait, were you at home? then you shouldve changed clothes and put a ton of perfume on. if you were at home then you dont deserved it, but to me it sounds like you were so YDI

She clearly was not at home. She said "I went to get blood and urine tests done today" Which means she went out to do it. You can't stay at home and get a blood and urine test done. That is very obvious.

aim? ...aren't you a woman? or is that a typo?

Reasons it would be cool to be a guy: 1. You can pee in a cup/you can aim well 2. Easy to ****** Reasons it would not be cool to be a guy: 1. Extremely vulnerable genitals 2. Everyone thinks you're a rapist 3. People call you gay/whipped if you dare to show affection/do something nice 4. Bitches are bitches to you, and for some reason people follow those bitches' bitchiness and do the same 5. People more likely to call you gross/creepy etc...

Ok here goes my turn Guys - Positives More intelligent More physically strong Better eyesight Easy orgasms No periods/pregnancy Easily pleased Earn more money in a lifetime Less bitchyness Dont have to spend 2 hours before going into public Have no emotions Dont have to shave legs Getting called a ***** is a positive Can be mean and nice Doesnt have to clean, cook or organise money after marriage Look better with age (to a certain point) Negatives Having to spend time or pay most girls to have sex Vulnerable area down below Cant multi task (apparently) Cant enjoy pink without being gay Have to fight Lazy Socially retarded Catches sexually transmitted diseases more frequently Being called pervert/creepy Women - positives Can cook/clean with less trouble Can bribe guys easy Can earn easy money by simply taking there top off Live longer Negatives Getting called a **** for sleeping with more then 1 guy Weak Mentally weak Takes ages to ****** (some women never ******) takes ages to to be seen in public have to shave everywhere Most of the positives dissapear with age Uhhhhhmmmm think thats the lot Thankyou very much

women aren't mentally weak!!! but i do agree that women can have a worse life than some guys because girls can be such bitches.

almost 100% agree, but the laziness for guys should be a positive thing, not negative haha.

Actually, women are more mentally strong than men, we're just more likely (in recent times) to express ourselves than men are. I'll disagree with men having less bitchiness, especially since your post nullifies the point. I don't spend two hours before going into public, and I must point out that many men spend much time to prepare themselves for public to. Working out, cologne, hair gel, shaving, etc... Technically speaking, females don't have to shave either, just a stupid social norm... but at least we don't have the social norm of cutting off skin on our genitals lol You quite lost that I was actually quite defensive towards males, but you can go ahead and play your butthurt troll part. I could have made my post a mile long and done what you have, but I was trying to stay to point. But while you're at it, what's the positives/negatives of white vs everyone else, eh?

I read your comment but all i see is BLAH BLAH BLAH Go make me a sammich bitch

CheshireHalli 19

Dame, how did I *KNOW* that was going to be the Pleb? -.-

I'm not going to go into some big long diatribe about men vs women because I don't really feel that either sex is particularly "superior" to the other... But I will say, that you claiming you were "defensive" about males is pretty hardcore bullshit, and claiming that women are "more mentally strong" than men whatever the **** that means is feeding into the same garbage the guy you're arguing with is. So basically, the sexes are different, and sure men have more upper body strength than women on average and women are more 'in touch' and free with their emotions on average... but really do you think arguing with some chauvinistic douchebag on the same level as him really proves your point any better than just leaving it alone? Basically, you started it with your list and some dick took it too far.. but you lost the moral high-ground when you fed into the bullshit even more, and honestly - your post pissed me off more because you claimed that high ground after you'd already gone off the waterfall in a barrel. Why don't we all just forget the bullshit preconceived notions about what makes one sex "superior" to the other when our species entirely relies on both to survive. /rant

What? I was saying basically how you said; "and sure men have more upper body strength than women on average and women are more 'in touch' and free with their emotions on average..." How was what I said any different? I wasn't saying or even meaning to imply women were SUPERIOR. I never did. I said I could have made a long list talking about our differences too, but didn't. If I wanted to be a douchey sexist, I'd say we're smarter while conveniently disregarding that men have the broader test scores and that intelligence is subjective. How wasn't I being defensive? I think I made a couple points quite clear about men being unfairly treated. Perhaps I should have added "Everyone thinks you're a meathead/supposed to be a robot" so you'd disregard the mentally strong thing? Or have I misunderstood your point?

Im only jokin greywolf and i wasnt biased with my positives and negatives i just tryed to think of as many as possible Buut anyway, go make me a sammich? thanks

Yes of course, I've made your favourite; drool and **** on mouldy bread.

Yeah.. You kinda missed my point. What I meant by the upper body strength and emotional shtick is that we can all point out some differences about the sexes which are actually accurate in most cases, because we are different - that's the way nature/god/evolution/whatever made us. But what I was saying about your being defensive being bullshit was because you did point out some shitty points that men deal with.. But then you referred to women having to shave as being bullshit because it's just following a societal norm - which is exactly what 4 out of 5 of your points were. More than anything though, I'm just saying there's no reason to feed the trolls about shit like the list Plebs posted; which was obvious troll-bait. Why can't we all just get along and let the trolls starve?

But I was implying my points were bullshit, too, and then said "but at least we don't have the social norm of cutting off skin on our genitals lol" ... It's all bullshit, was the point. But you're right. Trolls should not be fed. I just like to talk shit, at times.

And I just have an insatiable urge to respond sometimes and basically lose the point of it before finishing. Ehn.

Does anyone mind if I set the Pleb on fire?

If you are indeed female, how did you manage to fail at this? Also, what balance was necessary? You SIT DOWN! Unless you're one of those ridiculous people who refuses to sit on public toilet seats (yes, I called all of you ridiculous, and I will stand by that statement) in which case you deserved it. But yeah, I really don't understand how you managed this...

OP, you have a coordination of a 2 year old.

Ewww now everyones gonna think you smell.. O noes...

noshitsherlock 0

Wow, really? YDI, DUMBASS. Do you not sit down and pee? You really should have if you had to pee in a cup. WTF is wrong with you?