By alex - 16/02/2010 16:43 - United States

Today, while working at my new job at a veterinary hospital, I was excited that I set a urinary catheter in a dog for the first time. I guess I was a little too enthusiastic though, because I pulled it out too fast and bloody urine splashed up all over my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 118
You deserved it 32 898

Same thing different taste

Top comments

texas_justice 0
purplemnm 9

ydi, it's painful when you pull out the needle too fast, control your emotions woman!


Well at least that wasn't the weirdest substance on your face today. ;)

it actually happens alot. I used to work at a vet, you get used to getting blood on you and to seeing animals bleed in strange places. it's neither a fml or a ydi

gnetgirl26 0

why would that get you excited???..... YDI for being. a creep

Why the **** would you get excited over that? ******* creep.

QWERTYCommander has obviously never managed to do something difficult correctly. I think OP has a right to be proud for doing a task required for his job correctly for the first time, especially since the job does not require daily handling of burgers and/or fries. However, I'm thinking the dog got the short end of the stick.