By Shirley - 15/02/2012 00:43 - United States

Today, while out for our romantic Valentine's dinner, my boyfriend of 2 and a half years told me that he believes in females being subservient, that I'm not allowed to have opinions anymore, that he is "the alpha dog" and I'm merely the "beta dog", and that I have to "get used to it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 911
You deserved it 7 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

muahzzbaybee 0

he should "get used to" not having a GF can do better


SeximusPrime 0

DUMP HIM NOW! THAT IS ABUSIVE AND YOU HAVE TO GET OUT! >:( I went out with a guy like this and ended up having to get a restraining order against him. DUMP HIM!

swantonboy96 0

So whats the FML? He's merely setting the ground rules, so get used to it! LOL JK

what a dumb guy. you never tell your woman the truth.

First of all there is always an Alpha male and an Alpha female in the pack, these are the dogs that are allowed to reproduce. These dogs are both the leaders, so even dogs have more respect for their mates than your boyfriend. You are both idiots.

That shows what he knows. The woman is always in charge, even if the male is too stupid to know it. You might be able to make this work (stupid people are sometimes easier to manipulate), but I'd probably dump him instead.

Maddoctor 10

Don't you EVER talk to blastvortex like that again, or I'll come at you with a spoon and slowly carve your eyes out.

diablodeldragoon 6

as i understand it in the wild, the alpha dog gets to be there by bitch slapping the other dogs down. So bitch slap that dumb-ass and take ur place as the alpha.