Money first

By Anonymus - 31/01/2020 20:00 - Canada - Warkworth

Today, my "boyfriend" told me that he loves money more than me and would date it if he could. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 915
You deserved it 323

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LadyRen 20

Is your boyfriend Seto Kaiba?

You should tell him that money is his only girlfriend now.


That sucks but at least he’s being honest with you

He can date money, but he has to be charming to get a date, because he can't pay money to date it, since it already is money!

Sonotsuave 35

Yeah I wouldn’t bother with people who are that attached to material things

You should tell him that money is his only girlfriend now.

Given the quotes around 'boyfriend', does he know he's your boyfriend?

Demitrius 12