By runandmope - 29/07/2010 03:00 - United States

Today, while on my run, I saw a middle-aged man sleeping near a business condo. I approached him and asked if he was "ok." He grabbed my leg, held onto it with a death-grip, and moped about how horrible his life was - for ten minutes. At least the weather was nice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 824
You deserved it 8 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awww! It was nice of you to listen for 10 minutes!


Mickay1232 0
yasmeenjonasx3 0

sing "ive got sunshine, on a cloudy day!"

foork 0
281go 4

Well could have been worse... he could have humped your leg.......

Kimberly_Isabel 7

ydi. u asked If he was okay and he in a way said he was not and told u his problems.

BananaSticker 0
jearojas 4

That sucks, but it was very nice of you though.

aw poor man. he should go down to social services or something. or like a charity for homeless people. x

well y ask if he's ok if u don't care?

BananaSticker 0

So, wait.. You were out running, probably going back to your house afterwords [ya know those building with electricity, food, beds, toilets, a roof] and YOUR life is ****** all because you decided to ask a homeless man, who has none of that, if he was okay, and you had to listen to the poor man talk about his life for a few minutes? I'd say your life is ******, but only because your selfish and obviously careless. ....That is, unless he was a druggie. :o

iSitt 0

why didn't you put his story here on fml?

Arsonnist 3

He should have peed on you. Weather wouldn't have been so nice then.

kellanlvr 1

yay for nice weather :) but op you never go up to middle aged men on streets haven't you seen horror movies tsk tsk

BananaSticker 0

^^^ but what if he was a druggie? then he'd just use it for crack. he shoulda at least bought him food.

956TXking 0

Runandmope is a conceited ****. Someone complaining to you does not make your life ****** in any way. and really, if he can complain for 10 straight minutes, I'd say HIS life is ******, not yours. and that is all that should ever need be said about this post. the end.

YourEvilHero 12

would of ghetto stomped his face

apefaceddog 0

Wait, so just because somebody is worse off than you, your life can't be ******? There's probably someone suffering from starvation out there, or someone hopelessly stuck in academia. But then, regular people can't have FMLs because they're not the worse off, yeah! Such reasoning is pathetic. It almost sounds like you think the OP has some sort of moral obligation to the homeless man.


didn't you ever learn not to talk to strangers?

Oh FFS, let's not start the whole "giving to the homeless vs. feeding addictions" thing again. ò.ó I took the "near a condo" part to indicate that the stranger didn't look homeless, moreso like he didn't make it to the front door after a night of partying or something. Hence the concern on OP's part.

Shit, I somehow missed the word "business" before "condo" on the first read-through. >.< Still, for some reason I picture a guy crashed out in a business suit, having an existential crisis about his going-nowhere life. Maybe that's just less depressing to me than a homeless guy. Or maybe I watch too many movies.

my comment for this post is LMFAO. kbai

84-Your white, your not allowed to ghetto face stomp people.

LMFAOwned 9

Lol I bet the whole time he was video recording under your dress or something xD Hobos are getting smarter everyday.

LMFAOwned 9

And yes, I know he's a guy:)

YouCantBreakMe 9

EEEEEEWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!! @12 has GINGER CATS!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have 2 legs, right? You should've kicked him with your other one. Jk that's mean, but at least the poor man had someone to talk to.

Mickay1232 0

F you #115 who gives a crap if they have orange fur!!!! they're awesome and u suck

MeAlec 1

you should carry a baton with you so the next time that happens you can bash him on the head

averagepurson 2

are you kidding me??? youre saying 'fml'???wow his life is f'd but you think yours is? i oughta find you in yo bed sneak up on ya put a bullet in yo head

why didn't you keep running or kick him?

loserboii 11
Rose3986 2

So how horrible was his life???