By lonerjik - 19/01/2011 12:05 - United States

Today, while I was sleeping I heard my girlfriend moaning. She was seemed to be having a wet dream. She moaned more in her dream than when having sex with me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 269
You deserved it 10 822

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's quite simple. In dreams, you can have wild orgies with eight sets of identical twins. You can't do that IRL.

Ninjafriends 1

You're assuming it was a sexual dream. It could just as easily have been a nightmare.... about having sex with you.


It's quite simple. In dreams, you can have wild orgies with eight sets of identical twins. You can't do that IRL.

ijustcamementedo 0

I do that in real life. it is hard to find twin sheep though.

DarkHelmet 10

2 - Is your surname Melchett, by any chance?

goldhighways 0

That's a hint, buddy. Start working on your performance.

iSitt 0

softly whisper your name I'm her ear over and over and hope it isn't a nightmare

No no, OP should just give her surprise sex. Just mount her, give it to her good and say "Oh yeah moan for me!"

its not rape if you say surprise everyone knows that

well she was probably dreaming about someone else then

suckmyassitsmell 0

Don't worry, she was probably just pleasing herself because you aren't man enough to!

perdix 29

Obviously, she was dreaming about having sex with a real man with an ordinary-sized dick, a few sex skills and the ability to last for more than 30 seconds. Watch some **** and consider that as training.

Perdix, **** is awful training for sex. Most girls don't want to be treated like blow-up dolls or have to get awkward liquids out of their hair, or wherever those "money shots" are aimed. :P

fthku 13

YDI for not pleasing your girl enough. So not everyone's a natural sex god. Once in you're in a relationship, however, you don't need to be. All you need is some time to realise what she likes, how she likes it and when. Sharing and talking about it is probably a good idea. Or she could just be a moany girl. My girlfriend moans at everything (A sexy sexual moan), regardless of sexual pleasure. I actually ask her to shut up sometimes!

This! I moan in my sleep, when I stretch, etc. It sounds like I'm having an ******. But whenever I mess around, I don't moan, I giggle, I say stuff. Honestly, if she's making **** moans during sex, she's faking.

rusrsbrah 0

that's actually false. my chick moans and gasps when she's feeling good. it's different for everyone. like me, I don't moan or make faces, or grunt. I breath a little heavier. that's about it. I kinda trained myself to be quiet when I get off so my sister doesn't hear. haha.

decidedlyvague 11

When I first read that, I thought you said I trained myself to be a little quieter when I get off my sister o.o

Maybe she's embarrassed to moan in front of you?

muffinlizzie 7

I can agree with that. I know a few people who find it embarrassing to moan/scream/etc during sex, so they don't.

Ninjafriends 1

You're assuming it was a sexual dream. It could just as easily have been a nightmare.... about having sex with you.