Emotional rollercoaster

By Anonymous - 02/10/2021 22:01 - United States

Today, my dad all but told me that he ignores me and my advice on purpose, just so he can yell at me for pestering him when I get annoyed, and being ignored really ticks me off. Then my mom, who is the more level-headed one, didn't even scold him for it. This is why I have acute self-esteem issues. FML
I agree, your life sucks 777
You deserved it 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Nikki 17

Have you tried just not giving him advice?

I don’t want to be a jerk; I try to contribute as much positivity to comment sections as I can. That being said…have you considered that this might be partially your problem? You give your dad unwanted advice, get mad when he ignores you, then blame him for your self-esteem issues? Maybe I’m wrong. I don’t know the exact situation. Maybe your dad is a truly messed up individual. I’m basing my response on the small, somewhat vague bit of information provided. Stay safe. Don’t be like me—make smart decisions.


Nikki 17

Have you tried just not giving him advice?

I don’t want to be a jerk; I try to contribute as much positivity to comment sections as I can. That being said…have you considered that this might be partially your problem? You give your dad unwanted advice, get mad when he ignores you, then blame him for your self-esteem issues? Maybe I’m wrong. I don’t know the exact situation. Maybe your dad is a truly messed up individual. I’m basing my response on the small, somewhat vague bit of information provided. Stay safe. Don’t be like me—make smart decisions.

Offer help not advice. If he accepts the offer then give advice.

Give your parents advice? No wonder you have self-esteem issues -- you have too much!

It's his life, let him handle the consequences of his decisions. I'm in a similar situation with my mother. If she won't listen to me the first couple of times and gets aggressive in her tone, I take the hint and back off, no matter how much she's harming herself in the long run. I still worry very much but it's ultimately up to her what to do.

bluntaf 3

dude stop trying to parent your dad, he don't need advice from a kid. focus on yourself and your problems. Oh and your self esteem is YOUR responsibility.