By Ex-Employee - 31/07/2016 02:14 - United States

Today, my boss fired me for causing a "commotion" at work while running the vacuum. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 136
You deserved it 1 016

Same thing different taste

Top comments

redcode5 17

What was line of work was would be helpful in this case, if you are a janitor, fast food worker or someone from IT.


Cleanliness is always a priority, until of course its means you interrupt whatever your precious boss was watching Brazzers

redcode5 17

What was line of work was would be helpful in this case, if you are a janitor, fast food worker or someone from IT.

That's why you do your house cleaning *before* your conference calls.

If you were vacuuming when business was still open and customers were still there then I can see the reason why your boss fired you. If not, a quick trip to HR won't hurt. This needs a follow up.

OP works at a vacuum cleaner store...

13, where are you getting that from? No one on here is claiming to the OP yet.

Whatever happened to managers giving warnings or guiding staff to do what's appropriate? Bosses on FML are so trigger-happy to fire their staff. Running a vacuum cleaner even during open shop hours just does not warrant getting fired when he could simply be told to put it away and only do it between the hours of such and such. People should only be fired over grave administrative errors, unruly behavior, or prolonged incompetency.

#16; It's a joke - playing on the common "plot twist" trope. I don't even know if "Vacuum Cleaner Stores" actually exist, anymore, since this isn't the 50s. Maybe I was being too subtle.

You must have one… exciting workplace for that to cause commotion. I can imagine people gathering around the water cooler years from now to reflect on that one wild time a vacuum cleaner was on—that is assuming your office has recovered by then.

Unfortunately, after the vacuum fiasco (vac-asco) they had to shut it down.

"Hey, Bill..remember that time somebody had the nerve to start up a vacuum in the office?" "Sssh! Don't bring that up around Tom. He's still seeing a therapist for the irrational fear of vacuums that incident gave him."

Maybe OP works with animals and the dogs were concerned by the noisy intruder.

guess you'll just have to... suck it up ; )

heatherrr17 19

I'm sorry op! Hopefully they have An HR dep there