By Anonymous - 11/09/2015 10:51 - United States - Pleasantville

Today, while blissfully unaware that it was the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, I was making paper airplanes during my free period in school. Next thing I know, I was reported for, "making jokes about the 9/11 attacks." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 470
You deserved it 8 859

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's only making fun of 9/11 if OP purposefully crashed the paper planes. If they got upset just for him flying them, I'd say they're being a bit over sensitive. 9/11 was a tragedy, but it doesn't make such simple activities suddenly taboo.

My gosh everybody on top is getting down voted. Regardless of what they say OP, that is an exceedingly stupid thing to get in trouble for. It is a paper airplane. People are getting way to sensitive. I understand that 9/11 affected thousands and thousands of people, but it is a freaking paper airplane.


Goblin182 26

Play the First Amendment card.

gilligan_isle 6

How exactly does the 1st amendment apply here? A paper airplane isn't speech, religion, assembly, press, or petitioning the government...

Welcome to 2015, where everything is offensive to somebody somewhere.

I accidentally made a "Bush did 911" joke without knowing it was 911 today....

Did the airplanes knock a tower or two over?

Meanwhile, my entire day at school was listening to people making 9/11 jokes.

Redoxx_fml 22
atomicxsarah 17

I don't get how you could not know it was the anniversary for 9/11. I forget many things but never could I forget something so tragic. shame on you. :/

There is a chance OP wasn't born when 9/11 happened. Why are you shaming him? It could have slipped his mind. It isn't his fault, shit happens and you forget.

It was on every major television station world wide. For days and weeks. It was our generations Pearl Harbor or our parents Kennedy. The U.S. Is a world power. You would have to live in a cave to not know.

#83, Some places school has been going on for several weeks. Since OP is in school, he could have been studying for a test and it slipped his mind.

acerredrum 23

OP may not even have been born yet. I guess you can call being in utero living in a cave though.

If you can't forget things that are tragic than please tell me all about D day or Pearl Harbor. Maybe some tails of the crusades

Here is a wonderful hint not every thing that happens has the same importance to everyone. Not saying its bad to remember 9/11 but expecting everyone to feel the same about it is stupid. I wasn't that old when it happened and yes it was tragic but September the 9th is just another day to me. I wasn't old enough for it to have a major impact for me.

sp00derman 23

How can you possibly be blissfully unaware?

It's not that hard for the day of the week to slip your mind. My husband didn't remember what the date was until he realized the flags at half mast. He's coming off a four day work week so it's a jumble for him.

my opinion on the topic is don't forget about it, but don't over react to it either, the terrorists win when you let the memories of that day impact your actions id rather think of today as mario's anniversary, september 11th should be a normal everyday happy day, and not a reason to be depressed about every year