By assumed - 01/03/2011 16:47

Today, during a class, I noticed some racist statements and symbols on a table. While erasing them, I bent down to pick up my dropped pencil. I look back up to see a teacher, and got a suspension. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 576
You deserved it 3 742

Same thing different taste

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you should have just told them what you were doing!

Something similar happened to me in elementary school. They didn't believe me because they saw me doing something in the direction of the writing (using the eraser on the bottom of the pencil) but regardless I got into trouble. Luckily for me my mum is a psycho and yelled and went off at the principal :D


you should have just told them what you were doing!

Seriously, you shouldn't get in trouble if you were doing a good thing! If they don't believe you then yes, FYL!

Something similar happened to me in elementary school. They didn't believe me because they saw me doing something in the direction of the writing (using the eraser on the bottom of the pencil) but regardless I got into trouble. Luckily for me my mum is a psycho and yelled and went off at the principal :D

bsgirls 0

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YDI for not being racist..... but a good solution would had being blaming the first black person around u. if ur black then YDI!!! lolz!!

ghm1234 0

haha sounds like your mom is awesome :D

ikr?!?!?! my sibling got a detention for talking during class when actually he was telling another child to shut up

do you honestly think that works? i once got in trouble because my text book was a mess when my teacher borrowed it because she had forgotten her own. i only got out of trouble because i was in fact able to prove that i had not opened it once since we got it 5 months earlier. that obviously gave me a diffrent kind of trouble but if i'm gonna have somebody yell at me at least it needs to be for something i actually did do... or didn't.

For what? Did you explain what you were doing to anyone? That's just sux.

FatElie 0

Haha, that sucks. In my class I just ball in a cup on all the desks.

bsgirls 0

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If you're going to insult someone by calling them may be in your best interest, to not make yourself look stupid in the process. You didn't even get their name right. *YOU'RE stupid FatElie ******. What a waste of space you are.

krazy_glu3 0

45 your whole life is a fail

cptmorgan15 2

No good deed goes unpunished. YDI.

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yes they do this reminds me of one time I was watching tv in class and dropped my phone teach picked it up and took it away from me. I had to pay $15 to get it back no big deal tho

that was one of the most stupid things I've ever heard someone say.

I would be very angry with that, probably called my mom (:

Your teacher may not be racist...but he/she was definitely a little prejudice in your situation. FYL for sure.

iIixoxiIi 0

are you tryin' to be funny or somethin'? :/