By ashhatches - 27/06/2011 19:15 - United States

Today, while at Costco, I was eating a hotdog when I saw a really hot guy walking over. Trying to be sexy, I bit my hotdog cutely and winked. I ended up choking and dropping the ketchup covered hotdog all over my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 422
You deserved it 62 537

Same thing different taste


costco+hotdog=everything but cute. stop thinking you're so damn hot and just keep stuffing your face. ydi

How the hell were you intending that to be flirty? "See me biting off part of this phallic object? If you're lucky, this could be you!"

patacus 14

i want to say ydi but that would ruin the 7777 good luck of this fml. so i guess its a fyl.

budd28 0

thats what you get for trying to b cute

how the hell do you 'cutely' bite a hot dog..

I've done that same exact thing except I was at target & I was eating a pretzel xD

soulfulemo 0

maybe you should've tried biting it uglily...cutely biting causes choking, as you may have noticed.