By diskdude13 - 15/10/2009 01:48 - United States

Today, I just let out all my feeling for a woman that I have loved for 22 years. When I finished, she said "You're so funny!" and walked away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 648
You deserved it 6 433

Same thing different taste

Top comments

this has to be the most common theme ever: "I told a stranger I've secretly loved/stalked them forever then they laughed/called the police. FML." Seriously? This place has more stalkers than facebook...


******* seriously...and im tired of you dumbasses like the op thinking "oh i like this girl. i must be in love." if some girl came up to me and said "ive loved you for two years but just didnt have the courage to tell you" i'd probly be like "you know how we hold conversations on a regular basis? yeah lets stop doing that."

If a girl came up to me and said that, I'd do her.

well good thing you won't ever have to be put in that situation, #50

Time to start attending the Stalkers Anonymous meetings, OP. After that amount of time, and your not dating or married, it's called obsession. That shrine on your wall, it isn't what normal people do.

this has to be the most common theme ever: "I told a stranger I've secretly loved/stalked them forever then they laughed/called the police. FML." Seriously? This place has more stalkers than facebook...

No kidding! Shit, how many people need to grow some testicles/ovaries? 22 ******* years!? No sympathy.

Agree, this is a YDI for waiting 22 freakin years!

ht01 0

agreed u shuldve gotten over yur crush rather than waitin for years o.0

Agreed with almost everyone above. YDI for being a spineless pussy for 22 years. Of course she thought you were funny... you're a ******* joke.

22 years...Seriously??? No wonder she thinks your a ******* joke! You should have manned up about 2 decades ago. You majorly deserved it!

she's probably married after 22 years, so you knew that was coming

Yeah man. YOU DESERVE IT. Why wait for 22 ******* years? Really. Wtf. Move on, find another girl. THERE ARE LOTS OUT THERE YOU KNOW.

22 years? I'm sorry, but you really deserved it.