Alexa, play "Guess I'm Dumb" by Glen Campbell

By nasuma - 11/10/2019 20:00

Today, I took a legitimate IQ test and got a score of 80. My parents both have IQ scores above Einstein’s. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 459
You deserved it 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't lose any sleep over this. There is no such thing as a legitimate IQ test. All IQ tests are, at best, highly inaccurate, with the vast majority being total bunk. Intelligence is a fluid, complex, and multifaceted thing, and there is no reliable way to measure it with standardized testing.

If the test makes both your parents that intelligent and you still call it a legitimate test, I don't think you're an 80...


You're adopted? Or the test is bullshit. Did you get it at Breitbart where the question is rate Trump as president? To them, your IQ is proportional to your enthusiasm for the Cheeto.

deathtiki 10

Or it could have been a buzzfeed one where you’re victim points are used

Don't lose any sleep over this. There is no such thing as a legitimate IQ test. All IQ tests are, at best, highly inaccurate, with the vast majority being total bunk. Intelligence is a fluid, complex, and multifaceted thing, and there is no reliable way to measure it with standardized testing.

Nhayaa 21

Since IQ tests were originally created to spot kids with low IQ, I'd say in this case it seems pretty accurate... but I do hope for OP that there was some kind of mistake here.

IQ tests were created as legal means to keep undesirable minorities out of universities.

Wadlaen 23

What about the mailman in your neighborhood about nine months before your birth..?

Susan Yee 9

They took them years and years ago. Maybe they have changed/improved the questions.

IQ tests are made for kids age 5 or below. When you take the test as a teen or as an adult, the result isn't really full proof.

Nhayaa 21

There is a test for kids and another one for adults. But most of the time you can read or hear about gifted kids, like when you grow up everything goes back to "normal" but nope. Gifted kids become gifted adults and when they're not diagnosed as kids, it can still be useful to take a test at some point if they feel they need one. I did it at 30. Even if it's not "full proof", if the results are way higher or lower than 100, it's still an indicator.

Mungolikecandy 19

Was it a Weschler or Stanford Binet test and not an internet one? Also a little advice. Do a few dozen of these tests and then take an official one again, you will see a significant increase in the score. My first test was 142, I did some practice and when I took an official test the next time it was 149.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. IQs and school grades are correlated but IQ and success have low correlation. also IQ doesn't cover all the intelligences. side note, it's kind of weird your whole family takes iq tests and compares

Are you sure about your parents’ results?

If the test makes both your parents that intelligent and you still call it a legitimate test, I don't think you're an 80...