
By Anonymous - 25/12/2023 21:00 - United Kingdom

Today, we all got together and showed Dad, with evidence from our ring doorbell and our phone recordings, that I’m the only one he shouts at, yet with everyone else he controls his temper perfectly. The end result? He sent everyone out so he could yell at me about violating his privacy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 733
You deserved it 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The chances are if OP is the only one who gets the bad treatment, there is a reason. It might be nothing that OP has control over, it might be a difference in incompatible personalities, it might be something else... Unfortunately OP, just because you have evidence of Dad's bad behavior doesn't mean Dad is going to change that behavior overnight. Real life is not like a courtroom... As I see it, OP you have two choices - Either get Dad to open up as to why it's you he treats this way and that isn't likely to come through confrontation or an accusation. It can only come through a calm discussion with no one else around or recording it because the reason might be deeply personal or embarrassing to you or him or both. The other choice is to just put yourself out of the line of fire and stay away from Dad.


The chances are if OP is the only one who gets the bad treatment, there is a reason. It might be nothing that OP has control over, it might be a difference in incompatible personalities, it might be something else... Unfortunately OP, just because you have evidence of Dad's bad behavior doesn't mean Dad is going to change that behavior overnight. Real life is not like a courtroom... As I see it, OP you have two choices - Either get Dad to open up as to why it's you he treats this way and that isn't likely to come through confrontation or an accusation. It can only come through a calm discussion with no one else around or recording it because the reason might be deeply personal or embarrassing to you or him or both. The other choice is to just put yourself out of the line of fire and stay away from Dad.