By ashhatches - 27/06/2011 19:15 - United States

Today, while at Costco, I was eating a hotdog when I saw a really hot guy walking over. Trying to be sexy, I bit my hotdog cutely and winked. I ended up choking and dropping the ketchup covered hotdog all over my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 422
You deserved it 62 537

Same thing different taste


slickshun 0
glitchedgamer 0

There is no way to eat a hotdog cutely. Besides, I'd be creeped out if a girl winked at me as she bit something phallic and ate it.

J9DeeZy 4

how do you eat a hotdog cutely? can you?

Hahahaha - Gotta love it when a bimbo displays ineptitude in public =) And yes - that was definitely a bimbo move...

Igor_g5 0

Who puts ketchup on a hot dog?

#14, maybe because you're not good looking? Jussssst saying :P

p33lzhear 6

ydi for putting ketchup on your hotdog

sexy and eating a Costco hotdog. what planet are you living on where those two things go together. ydi