By ashhatches - 27/06/2011 19:15 - United States

Today, while at Costco, I was eating a hotdog when I saw a really hot guy walking over. Trying to be sexy, I bit my hotdog cutely and winked. I ended up choking and dropping the ketchup covered hotdog all over my lap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 422
You deserved it 62 537

Same thing different taste


ccourtneyy 0

You can't eat a hot dog 'cutely'

smileywondur10 0

how do you bite a hot dog cutely? :S

you take the dog out of the bun and start wiggling it in front of your face. but don't spit on it, that means you know what your doing and that's considered **** material. of course choking on it and getting ketchup stains on your pants means you didn't get it right, so she sucks in the sack :3

why do people try to impress by doing idiotic things all the time? at least ur still alive right!!

well maybe you shouldn't be picking up guys at Costco...

tayfehrenbachxo 0

hahahah that's so unfortunate (:

tayfehrenbachxo 0

but ten points for being from Ohio (: