Great plan, kiddo

By Anonymous - 15/02/2023 16:00

Today, my daughter confessed to me she is pregnant from a guy she had a three-minute hook up with in an alley with, but I shouldn’t worry because she’ll make plenty of money from her OnlyFans, since lots of guys like pregnancy porn, Plus it gives her a real good reason to quit smoking. I'm gobsmacked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 613
You deserved it 355

Same thing different taste

Top comments

honestly? dirty work but they make a lot of money.

Oh, no, the baby has a high probability of being a preemie! That is, someone prone to premature ejaculation. It's genetic, y'know. Three minutes?!?!?


honestly? dirty work but they make a lot of money.

Oh, no, the baby has a high probability of being a preemie! That is, someone prone to premature ejaculation. It's genetic, y'know. Three minutes?!?!?

Sonotsuave 35

Um, is it too late to abort. Your daughter doesn’t seem to make the best decisions, or have morals to be exact. What happened in the parenting.

FuhQ 2

Oh you're filming **** in your room? Great, rent is now $1500/month