By stuckonrepeat - 04/08/2010 20:17 - Ireland

Today, when I returned from holiday, I discovered my best friend taught my parrot dirty phrases for fun. I can't get her to shut up and my little niece and nephew are coming over in three days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 670
You deserved it 4 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I did the same thing with my grandmas parrot but I thought it Spanish bad words. ;P she doesn't know Spanish.

ChocolateEclaire 0

Put a blanket on its cage so it sleeps and won't cuss. Make sure the kids don't get in that room though...


omfg yes. you have a best ******* friend! it's amazing :D

^ I think I'm reading that incorrectly... ...

i am sensitive i like commitment and changing myself

BEST best friend ever!! Oh and for the kid problem just send the bird to your room for the time, or your best friends house(:

29 you don't seem to realize how loud birds can get or how demanding they can be...

Anyone else think this person is absolutely stunning? (#23)

YDI for returning from Holiday, and finding out your best friend taught your parrot dirty phrases for fun. You can't get it to shutup, and your niece and nephew are coming over soon.

thorfinntheassri 0

Hehe, I put the kittie picture up to hint at a solution I have thought of. ;)

twinny_sc 13
MyChemical_fml 0

O.O... Three days grace? :D?

tweetbaby14 18

doesn't the whole thick blanket over the cage trick stupid birds into thinking it's night? if not just serve it as dinner. such simple solutions.

Emily9352 13

48, OH MY GOD shut the **** up!!

Brittney_E 0

Kill the bird like in Dumb and Dumber with Jim Carrey :P

catalystics 2

don't worry kids these days learn bad words within 6 months of being born

OMG I got modded for saying 6th and you are still there? FML is really making me mad

lalagurl5 0

ikr the support team made me mad too! and OP just tell it to shut to the up or u will starve him

ALindsey 0

Hahaha that is amazing =D FYL

That_Guy_Jake_JR 0

Agree with 4 you're gonna have to kill it.

I did the same thing with my grandmas parrot but I thought it Spanish bad words. ;P she doesn't know Spanish.

ChocolateEclaire 0

Put a blanket on its cage so it sleeps and won't cuss. Make sure the kids don't get in that room though...

ohhmyjeez 0

Are you sure your friend taught the parrot those words? Could have overheard what was going on in the house.

Middrslife 0

One facial expression needed: :D

Foxracingluver 0