You ******* idiot

By Handuh15 - 31/05/2019 16:00

Today, I was babysitting with my best friend, watching my one-year-old cousin. We thought it would be funny to say a bunch of swear words in front of him, since he didn't know how to talk. Five minutes later, guess what his first word was? And guess who won't be invited over for a while? FML
I agree, your life sucks 527
You deserved it 3 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Darebearius 7

That is an extremely immature and irresponsible thing to do. You can do that shit around your own kids all you want, but doing that around other people's kids is a huge no-no. YDI through and through.

Mr. Krabs “Yes sir.... that is bad word number 11, In fact, there are 13 words you should never use” Squidward “Don't you mean seven?” Mr. Krabs “Not if you're a sailor”


Darebearius 7

That is an extremely immature and irresponsible thing to do. You can do that shit around your own kids all you want, but doing that around other people's kids is a huge no-no. YDI through and through.

Mr. Krabs “Yes sir.... that is bad word number 11, In fact, there are 13 words you should never use” Squidward “Don't you mean seven?” Mr. Krabs “Not if you're a sailor”

My first word guesses are: 1) **** 2) Asshole 3) Shit My who won’t be invited guesses are: 1) Snooki 2) Shinzo Abe 3) LeBron James When are you announcing the winner? What’s the grand prize (please say, “Instant Pot.”)?

power_in_the_now 19

Being ONE and NOT talking... hmm... that doesn’t seem likely and the OP And his friend are idiots to think a ONE year old wouldn’t repeat what was heard

"We thought it would be funny to use curse words in front of him-" Yeah, that's when I clicked YDI.

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julfunky 29

i think its pretty funny. now there a fml where everyone calls op stupid, hilarious!

WeirdUS 29

Really immature. You deserve it for sure. With maturity like that I'm sure they are just beating down your door.

YDI... it's one thing if it was an accidental swear, but to purposefully say it thinking it won't be repeated?