By Anonymous - 21/05/2019 12:00

Today, while volunteering at my local library, a guy who smelled like crap followed me around all day. Every time I would bend over to shelf a book, he would start grunting. Apparently, he's going to be at the library every day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 947
You deserved it 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can ask to have people who make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe removed from the library.

bloopaloop 27

Talk to him about your cat collection. That’ll make him go away.


You can ask to have people who make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe removed from the library.

bloopaloop 27

Talk to him about your cat collection. That’ll make him go away.

That could backfire. Talking about pussy could make him even more gruntled*. *The opposite of “disgruntled” that doesn’t exist but should, dammit!

Why don’t you get a job at a bookstore? You’ll be doing the same thing and getting paid for it in a place that kicks out bums.

TomeDr 24

Libraries kick out pervs like this too. It needs to be reported to the head of the library.

They’re never as aggressive as businesses. The library tolerates a lot of bums.

seriously, you should tell him to f off, you dont need to put up with that

tounces7 27

The difficulty of kicking him out I assume stems from the fact he is probably mentally challenged.(I mean he's creepy and smells like crap so it's a good possibility).