By Anonymous - 17/06/2013 20:07 - United States

Today, I returned home from a month long trip overseas to find that my bird sitter has trained my parrot to whisper, "You're going to die" in a sinister voice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 758
You deserved it 6 999

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TheDrifter 23

That is just awesome. Don't tell people before they stay over, trust me, it'll be great.

The sitter should have taught it to say "Help! I'm trapped in a parrot's body!"


The number of YDI 's at this moment is 911. I agree. Watch your back, keep your phone near by.

Dont feed it at midnight or let it go near water :-p

rg350dx 29

Well aren't you just a ray of sunshine?

evan_7899 28

^ then you must be easily entertained. It's a gift. Embrace it.

TheDrifter 23

That is just awesome. Don't tell people before they stay over, trust me, it'll be great.

The sitter should have taught it to say "Help! I'm trapped in a parrot's body!"

Maybe he was yelling, "You're gonna die!" at the bird in frustration? They are noisy lil b@$tards!

You sure it was the trainer? Your parrot might be an incarnation of Jack the Ripper. Just watch your back. Don't want to wake up to a butcher knife and "BWARRR! Polly gonna get away with murder!"

At least the parrot doesn't regurgitate any moaning noises.

OhDearBetrayal 25

I would rather hear "Oh Johnny, give it to me good," than that. It's freaky at night.

8 - And now won't, since OP's love-life is shot to hell.

Are you sure it was trained to do that? Maybe it really wants to kill you.

rg350dx 29

The sitter just taught it the English language and finally gave the parrot a way to communicate its true feelings.

Tell him to watch it or he'll be an ex-parrot.

Maybe it's just pining for the fjords.

Imagine getting up on your first night back for a glass of water and hearing that... Fyl OP, fyl.