By Anna Lete - 12/07/2017 21:31

Today, my apartment was flooded due to a broken pipe, which caused a huge family of cockroaches to disperse. Did you know they can fly? FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 930
You deserved it 335

Same thing different taste

Top comments

the only solution is to burn the place to the ground


the only solution is to burn the place to the ground

They were wings a long long time ago. Now they are flippers. Thank you for playing though.

CrazyTrainWreck 19

Well what do you expect from the creatures that will be the only living thing after a nuclear apocalypse.

AnthonyCS5 19
8313girl 28

My phone won't show where you live but I assume you must live up north. Down south we call those Tree roaches. And yes I'm more scared of them then snakes.

In my part of Texas we call them waterbugs. I'm pretty sure they can sense fear.

I live in North Carolina, and we call them palmetto bugs, to "honor" our neighbors to the south.

No, actually, I didn't know they could fly, even though they have wings... now I hate them even more! Ugh!

"Yes officer, I set fire to my building.... They were flying... like the monkeys from the evil queen!!"

The monkeys are with the wicked witch of the west

I think the most effective plan would be a flamethrower.