By grossgross - 26/09/2009 18:21 - United States

Today, the subway was extremely crowded and I ended up with my butt in a man's crotch. I kept trying to inch away or turn a different way, but there was no room. He could have turned to face the doors, but didn't. He got an erection. I was on there with him for 20 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 591
You deserved it 5 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bekahshae 0

After you got off, you should have said, "Now that'll be twenty dollars."


this would be a great beginning scene to a **** film lol!

toniidubz 0

this has happened to me before...except the 'stranger' I thought it was was my dad, and he also accidentally felt me up in the process. FML.

mysterygirl699 1

you should have taken that as a complement you must be pretty ^.^

mysterygirl699 1

you should have taken that as a complement you must be pretty ^.^

Tikmysta 20

Random story; but I hav seen our trains when crowded and thrice I have seen people jerking off to women pressing up against them n I hav heard countless stories from the women themselves (getting to work with messed up jersey , skirt, whatever

JBsGirlee 7

I would have screamed at him