By grossgross - 26/09/2009 18:21 - United States

Today, the subway was extremely crowded and I ended up with my butt in a man's crotch. I kept trying to inch away or turn a different way, but there was no room. He could have turned to face the doors, but didn't. He got an erection. I was on there with him for 20 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 591
You deserved it 5 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bekahshae 0

After you got off, you should have said, "Now that'll be twenty dollars."


Are you ******* obsessed with Intoxicunt? Creepy stalker.

My first reaction was that this guy's a disgusting prick. Then I thought it was probably an accident, like for some reason a lot of guys "Can't help it." But you're supposed to have techniques, like learning to think about dog shit or something to make your woody go away. Plus, he could have turned around. In situations like this you're supposed to say loudly "Could the man behind me kindly stop poking his crotch into my behind." You could always replace it with "Take his hand off my behind" if you feel worried about throwing loud accusations around.

YDI for not asking the guy loudly to turn around because he has a boner in your ass. I hate that people are afraid of being embarassed by something that someone else is doing to them. You should have embarrased him into moving.

YDI. Seriously, he knows he's got a boner, and he was being a pig. Tell that SOB to gtf off you!

elizanena9 0

should've just yelled, "RAPE!". then he'd be the one writing the fml.

I am a medical student and there is actually a name for people who enjoy rubbing up against others in crowded places because it's arousing for them. It's a psychatric disorder called "frotteurism". Check it out: ....I'd feel violated too if I were you.