By grossgross - 26/09/2009 18:21 - United States

Today, the subway was extremely crowded and I ended up with my butt in a man's crotch. I kept trying to inch away or turn a different way, but there was no room. He could have turned to face the doors, but didn't. He got an erection. I was on there with him for 20 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 591
You deserved it 5 538

Same thing different taste

Top comments

bekahshae 0

After you got off, you should have said, "Now that'll be twenty dollars."


This happened to me on a vaporetto in Venice XD

Next time (hopefully there isn't one), loudly and in the most humiliating way possible, ask him to stop.

JohnnyOnTheSpot 0

at least you know you're cute? still though. awkward.

So was it as good for him as it was for you?

missybopoo 1
morganlove44 3

tht woulda been sexy haha XD

kashman95 1

I see no problem what straight man wouldn't mind having a woman press their Ass against them