By WhatsThatSmell - 25/02/2011 13:25 - Australia

Today, I took a busy train into the city. I was lucky enough to get a seat. People were forced to stand in the aisle in front of me, and the person directly opposite me, whose butt was level with my head farted in my face. Twice. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 838
You deserved it 4 517

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RedPillSucks 31

The down side of getting a seat in a crowded train. Next time, bring a chain saw. You'd be surprised how much personal space people will give you, crowded train or not.

drizzt6895 0

Did you say "thank you sir may i have another"?


m0tl3ycru3qwr 0

You could've asked them to turn away from your face the first time.

Then you'd have their dick in your face!

It solves the fart issue. Or be specific and ask them to turn 90 degrees. Besides, I would personally prefer someone's dick over their ass, if I had to choose. It's covered anyway and dicks don't fart.

jellyybeans 5

lmfao, can you imagine if dicks DID fart? xD

RedPillSucks 31

The down side of getting a seat in a crowded train. Next time, bring a chain saw. You'd be surprised how much personal space people will give you, crowded train or not.

MrBoredGuy 1

waiting for the "in my country you'd get beat with a stick" guy

ktdad07 0

Nah, in his country that is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

how do you even think of weird things to type in response to all these? you must have had a twisted childhood!

mintcar 9

It had to be a guy because....

xavier1623 4

Its obvious from this that a failure is commenting. 'Its obvious to us that its a guy'? Stereotype much? How bout i tell you 80% of females ********** just cause i thought it was true.

sourgirl101 28

Ooh, ooh that smell Can't you smell that smell? Ooh, ooh that smell The smell of death surrounds you.