By holyshitsnacks - 18/03/2014 22:53 - Canada - Woodstock

Today, the snow in my backyard melted, revealing just how much dog shit accumulated underneath it this winter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 491
You deserved it 7 851

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Happens every year up here in Alaska. It's a huge pain in the ass.

Same thing happened to me in Michigan! My dog ran through the muddy poop mixture....gotta love them anyways!


Happens every year up here in Alaska. It's a huge pain in the ass.

incoherentrmblr 21

Well, at least it kept the smell down...

Same thing happened to me in Michigan! My dog ran through the muddy poop mixture....gotta love them anyways!

What possessed you and forced you to use this over used phrase?

Indianboy9321 25

You do realise that if you ignore them, they will go away eventually?

1) You used the most overused and lame FML joke ever. 2) You spelled 'shitty' wrong Your punishment is to sit in the corner and think about what you have done.

jazzy_123 20

26, and if not, it's all the newbies that don't know it's an overused joke.

BlueFlatts 20

And that's why I'm glad that my dog does her business in the woods behind our yard. Usually.

Do you have a dog? If not, then that must sucks for you

Either way, it's a bad situation, but it's pretty easy to tell that he has a dog just by reading the FML.

Hahaha, it would be way funnier if he didn't

Proceed with the poorly planned poop puns

JustStella 28

Ahh, the sweet sounds of splendid alliteration.

Clean it up straight away next time your dog does his business :P If it's not your dog, ew.

ramboman19 8

Not as easy as you make it out to be, considering below freezing temperatures and multiple feet of snow..

shyeahh_fml 19

I clean up my dog's poop almost right away during the winter. But then again, I'm in California and don't have a snow problem.

ramboman19 8

At least the grass will be green! Natural fertilizer!

Pick up after your dog after he goes each time. Problem solved.

its not that simple. The elements and Time are a huge factor for me anyways. Plus my dog goes just about every single time he is outside. and he goes out a lot.

Elements? I live in Ottawa. Sounds like you need warmer boots and coat. Part of having a dog is picking up.

29 What's with the attitude? Exactly what the person above said that's part of having a dog. It's not anyone's fault but your own that you're too lazy to pick up after your dog, even if he does go every time you take him out. Suck it up and pick it up!