By Anonymous - 16/11/2018 05:00

Today, I met an old friend, who accidentally revealed he once met my wife in a club. They were both drunk and she let him have anal sex with her for a fiver in a club toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 489
You deserved it 356

Same thing different taste

Top comments

whiskey'swino 15

If while married I hope you mean your soon-to-be Ex-Wife and current ex-friend. Still, anal for a $5er? Even when single thats a cheap hoe.

While you were married? If so, he deserves a smack, and she needs to feel your wrath in another way.


While you were married? If so, he deserves a smack, and she needs to feel your wrath in another way.

whiskey'swino 15

If while married I hope you mean your soon-to-be Ex-Wife and current ex-friend. Still, anal for a $5er? Even when single thats a cheap hoe.

the friend is pretty disgusting to agree to something like that, when the girl was so drunk. you're being a ********, they were both at fault.

He wasn't being a dick head, since they "were both drunk". As OP didn't mention it, it's safe to assume this was before they were dating.

Your wife owes you, big time. About $2.50, I’d say.

pugs 12

If he was the Loch Ness monster then it would be about three fiddy.

Or she could sue him for stretching out her asshole.

This raises an extremely difficult and important question. Does this qualify as a shitty situation? I honestly don't know.

Sounds like the friend had it in for this guy...... he he he

You sure you want to stay married to her? If she did that while you were together, that's definitely divorce-worthy. If you weren't, she still at one point in time ****** your friend and not only that; she did it anally for $5 in a public restroom. That's skanky behavior at its finest! Would you still want to be with her knowing that happened and it's now stuck in the back of your mind?

Why did this Comment received 4 down votes??

Maybe because people are sensitive to **** shaming, but I don't support that.

It's judgmental and sex-negative. If the wife wasn't with the husband at the time and had consensual sex, that's no one else's business. Even anal sex, even in a public place. As long as they aren't cheating (and I am defining cheating as sneaking around behind an exclusive partner(s) back), people should be able to have the sex that they want to have.

There wasn't any consent. They were both drunk. It's actually called statutory rape in a legal case.

Doing it for money is prostitution which is illegal in many places. Plus, she did it with one of his friends. Many people don't want a partner that their friend had previously ******. It causes issues, and it's gross.

Anyone who can't have a relationship with someone who a friend of theirs has had sex with has issues. Most of the relationships I've had have been with people who have been with my friends and it's no big deal. So what, my buddy has seen her naked, if it's not going on now it doesn't matter. I don't know that I've ever met an adult who couldn't deal with that. Yes, the prostitution is likely illegal (not familiar with British sex law), but it's a victimless crime. If the OP wasn't in a relationship with his wife at that point then any negative reaction to this is on OP.

Sorry that not all of us like sharing with our friends. 😷

The law is not always morally right, you know. Making prostitution illegal is actually a perfect example for that - because where I live it's very much legal, sex workers are being registered, they pay taxes, in return they get free health check-ups. Prostitution will always exist, whether you like it or not. But you can give sex workers the opportunity to exist in a manner that's as safe and independent as possible, or you can open the gates towards illegal prostitution that often goes hand in hand with gross exploitation of sex workers putting them at a much greater risk of STDs or being the victims of all kinds of abuse. So who exactly is that law protecting? Except for the feelings of some conservatives who think you can just forbid things out of existence of course.

Itsbeenalong 5

Firstly that was no accident that he told you. Secondly is it an FML because she charged you 10? Or is it because you now know why she keeps 'finding' fivers everytime she's out?

Itsbeenalong 5

She was just wanting to preserve her virginity for her husband. You got lucky!

TxKitten79 10

If you weren't together yet, so what. Almost everyone has had past relationships prior to getting married. If you were together at the time, then a conversation needs to be had.

So, how much is she charging you for anal? I hope you get the family discount and get up her poop chute for $4.50 or so.

onceuponatime456 16

That was NOT an accident! Most likely a lie, too!