By God hates me - 26/01/2009 00:14 - United States

Today, the pharmacy lady wished me a happy birthday. I was buying the morning after pill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 147
You deserved it 8 289

Same thing different taste

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Yeah, I don't get why either. Was it your real birthday or did it mean something else?

Eir_fml 1

They should call it "baby chaser" instead of the morning after pill.


Eir_fml 1

They should call it "baby chaser" instead of the morning after pill.

Anyone else notice her name is "god hates me"? God didn't make you have sex without a condom. That was up to you. Unless you were raped, if so I'm sorry and I feel like a dick.

You can get pregnant even when wearing a condom

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hurtandabused 7

Soo sorry. Went to give thumbs up n hit wrong thing. Lol FML :)

OP could be saying that the FML was that she had to worry about buying the morning after pill on her birthday

dragons14y3r 23

I'm thinking it means that the pharmacist knows OP only gets some on her birthday

Yeah, I don't get why either. Was it your real birthday or did it mean something else?

"report her, shes got no right to force her beliefs on customers. if she doesnt like the morning after pill, she should get another job #6 - 02/24/2009 at 10:54am by twitteraddict Report abuse" Forcing her beliefs would of been refusing to sell the pill to her. Honestly, other people are allowed to have their beliefs, not just you.

I agree with twitteraddict. u are an idiot for reporting. the cashier stated her beliefs on the customer in a form of a sarcastic remark. u are not allowed to do that ever!

hurtandabused 7

The woman could have been a rape victim. The cashier had no clue the situation.

#10, being allowed to have your own beliefs isn't the issue, though. It's about her job: I'm sure that she doesn't get paid to frankly denigrate people on the spot for the things that they buy. So, "forcing" may not be the right word for it, but definitely at least "imposing." Sorry that happened to you, OP.

ell3x0 0

i dont even understand this. lmao, maybe im slow, but wtf? how and why is this an fml?

wasn't there a bill passed that sad that doctors and pharmacists could legally refuse to give out things based on their beliefs? i got an email from the democrats against it. i guess this is just an example of that... o and i think that this lady at the desk meant 'happy birthday" to the little zygote. Like the girl was giving birth. rather scathing to the girl,really, basically saying that she was killing the thing, which at that stage is like a few cells, if even. I have had a pharmacist be rather cruel to my mom because she was medicating me with anti-depressants, so it happens to everyone, with different situations and different meds. It is hard, because everyone has different views, so i guess you are bound to have something like that happen every once in awhile. Kinda sad, but alas, is common. Too much diversity in minds and convictions, you are pretty much promised a clash at some point. :/ ah well. For the whole 'getting a different job' thing, thats a rocky path as well; for who is the employer to deny a job based on someone's personal beliefs? Even if they are against what they do, they are still able to get a job based on their resume, not their convictions, because to do so would be risky to the people who are hiring them.~ my head is spinning...~ :(

MissyKissy 0

You can't even thumb up/down your comment, cause its so long. xD

...Methinks you all are reading a little too much into it - the pharmacist isn't really forcing her beliefs on anyone, and it doesn't seem like a logical sarcastic remark. It was probably OP's birthday. The pharmacist saw it on her ID or something and wished her a happy one. OP is thinking, I just bought the damn morning after pill, do ya THINK I'm having a happy birthday? That's how I read it...

CeruleanKatydid 0