By Hahaha - 29/01/2009 15:19 - United States

Today, I went to the pharmacy to buy the Plan B pill. The pharmacist recognized me and said, "Really? Again?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 718
You deserved it 40 285

Same thing different taste

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twistedspeaker 0

Plan B is irresponsible. It is an emergency pill. If taken to often or too much it can have sever impacts on a woman's body and how she can reproduce. I believe that the pharmacist was in the clear. If you came in that soon after already having bought it once before that is a very immature decision to be making. If you're having sex that often you should be on a more effective and safer form of birth control instead of the Oh Shit Pill. #6 - You're not too bright if you're condoning taking the pill as often as need be considering the side effects there are from taking the pill too often. It's not advised to be pumping your body full of those hormones often. They can severely disrupt a woman's menstrual cycle or even cause damage down there (from what I've been told anyways from an MD). But each their own. *shrug*

Plan B is not supposed to be used as regular birth control... It's not as effective and seems more "irresponsible," so why not just get an Rx for the pill? Super simple.


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I agree, that pharmacist has no right to judge you for making the choice to prevent a pregnancy, but ya maybe look into a BC, they are definitely worth having.

why tf all these old people all "oh be responsible" **** you mean be responsible bitch don't needa get pregnant so she goin on the damn pill smh fam

condoms fail like 15% of the time, with average (not perfect) use. and i've had condoms break on me way more times than statistically makes sense (ones that WERE put on properly). thank god i'm on the pill.

They are actually 95% effective. Which you would know if you had taken any highschool health course before posting your comment.

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.....and I did attended middle school and high school........

Condoms have success rate 98%. And never have I ever heard about someone having problems with condoms if they knew how to use them and take care of them. If you don't know how to use condoms it's not the condom's fault - it's yours.

whateverwhatever_fml 0

Plan B is not supposed to be used as regular birth control... It's not as effective and seems more "irresponsible," so why not just get an Rx for the pill? Super simple.

xsydbabyx 0

Plan B is just like taking 4 or 5 birth control pills at once. It irritates the lining of the uterus and makes it more difficult for implantation. My best friend Kaytie is very familiar with Plan B. - S.

well that was messed up on the pharmacists part for making that comment, but i guess its kinda your fault because you should be using protection and praticing safe sex... thats just my opinion though... you do whatever you want

how do you know she didn't you shouldn't assume things, what if the condom broke or she forgot to take a pill once, or even if on the pill and you're on antibiotics they make the pill ineffective, so you need to think before you speak

Even if you miss a pill, that's no reason to go out and buy plan b. just take the next pill and be careful. also, there's no guarantee that the plan b pill will work. its just like BC

Justy101 23

If you miss even one day of the pill, it is ineffective as a birth control. If you do happen to forget to take it one day, you should either use condoms or wait for a full cycle in order for the pill to be effective again. You can trust me on this one as I am a woman who takes the pill and I am the type of person that looks into a product before I just start using it.

Manny_B92 0

And "your" ignorant. Who cares, it's not like sex if something extremely crazy.

twistedspeaker 0

Plan B is irresponsible. It is an emergency pill. If taken to often or too much it can have sever impacts on a woman's body and how she can reproduce. I believe that the pharmacist was in the clear. If you came in that soon after already having bought it once before that is a very immature decision to be making. If you're having sex that often you should be on a more effective and safer form of birth control instead of the Oh Shit Pill. #6 - You're not too bright if you're condoning taking the pill as often as need be considering the side effects there are from taking the pill too often. It's not advised to be pumping your body full of those hormones often. They can severely disrupt a woman's menstrual cycle or even cause damage down there (from what I've been told anyways from an MD). But each their own. *shrug*

15 you are just an idiot there are plenty of circumstances and none of us no the real situation so shut up and stop being so judgmental you don't know what you're talking about

That's soooo wrong that is like killing someone!!!

not really..from what I remember from health class,it takes 4-5 days for the sperm to fertilize the egg,correct me if I'm wrong if she took the pill before the egg is fertilized then it's not really a baby and it's not killing it

The contraceptive pill is free fgs -.- Be responsible.

birth control pills ARE NOT always free. I'm a pharmacy tech and see that shit every day. I'm on BC myself and I pay twenty dollars for mine.