By Anonymous - 02/04/2013 07:24 - United States - Duncannon

Today, the McDonald's in my town ran out of fries. I was the one who had to tell all the angry customers we had no more fries in the store. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 397
You deserved it 3 994

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Praise The Lord, the end of the world is here!

Aspen_Grace33 27

How is a McDonalds so unprepared that they are able to run out in the first place? Did someone forget to order some supplies or did a shipment not make it? Either way, FYL for having to repeat the same message over and over and take most of the complaints.


Unless she's the one responsible for ordering

My fast food restaurant ran out of mozza cheese and tomatoes, and sirloin all because of a shipment not making it to town. I had so many people raging, one in which INSISTED I should go to the local store and buy cheese and tomatoes, because "this is just DISGUSTING" to see us selling burgers without tomatoes. Good god.

There must have been a lot of weight on your shoulders. I volunteer at a local cafe from time to time and they don't do a very good job of stocking up every week, so I tend to be the bearer of bad news. It is pretty awkward to say the least. I hate misunderstanding and impatient people, but understand them nonetheless.

Praise The Lord, the end of the world is here!

Damian95 16

I'm surprised I didn't see this on the news before a seeing it in an FML.

Well it's nothing for them to get heated up about.

I got yelled at by customers when I worked at McDonald's because we weren't selling the McRib yet and tried to convince me to sell them one.

You never stand between a hungry person and their McDonald's fries.

Chucklikesbacon 12

This would have been a good time to quit! Why would you vote YDI on this?!

Why would he quit because a bunch of fat asses don't get their fries? ...exactly.

Chucklikesbacon 12

No, but it seems like he is very unhappy with the position he was put in. And some comments shouldn't be taken too seriously, I wasn't actually implying for him to quit his job.

It's not just the fries missing. No fries would mean they can't get the value meal which include their drinks. People get even angrier when they feel they're not getting their deal. :P And 33, please stop thinking you're better than anyone. There's nothing wrong with working that job or any other you feel is beneath you.

Actually, 48, that applies more to people who are told to do something outside their area of expertise; like an OB nurse being floated to ICU (kind of far fetched, yes, but it's been tried). The lack of experience would be a definite impediment to patient safety, and violates the Nurse Practice Act. Being told to tell people you're out of fries isn't quite the same thing.

No one is happy with their position if they are working in fast food. Most times, it's not by choice

Sorry, OP. I know you had to face some salty people.

Aspen_Grace33 27

How is a McDonalds so unprepared that they are able to run out in the first place? Did someone forget to order some supplies or did a shipment not make it? Either way, FYL for having to repeat the same message over and over and take most of the complaints.

Usually it is the first scenario, I once worked a shift where we ran out of all meat and fried products except for organic meat, and we didn't even have any buns, only wraps, because the manager didn't put the order through.

when i worked at a fast food restaurant we used to run out of chips because the delivery company used to muck our orders up a lot. also, we had days where we'd have so many customers that we'd use the chips that we'd go ready for the next day. telling customers we'd run out of chips was mortifying so OP definitely has my sympathy on this one

They probably mess up your order as revenge for messing up theirs.

I work in bk and we ran out of fries before or the broiler broke so no whoppers. do you know how many customers got upset, but all we could do was either go to another bk and ask or wait until the next shipment

icecreamdriveby 5

I actually would have had fun telling everyone that. I love when something a little different happens at work, it makes it interesting. Like today, the light wouldn't turn on in my store, it was fun :)

icecreamdriveby 5

No, and if the did that over fries too, that's incredibly sad.

icecreamdriveby 5

Oh trust me, I have been yelled at by idiot customers for stupid things but a riot? No. (Funnily enough, it IS the name of the store I work at though)

I know how that feels OP I work at a BurgerKing up in Michigan we run out of everything

Me too. My job runs out of things all the time but I work on a bar and have to deal with drunks. :P

TPH1979 18

Burger King in my city actually had no hamburgers....twice!

Michael_92 20

I think it has something to do with Michigan. Even in a place like Traverse they run out of stuff allll the time.

They probably would have been less angry if it had been a different day of the year, as they wouldn't have thought you were pulling an April Fool's prank on them.

Just be sure to remind the customers that this isn't Burger King; they don't get it "their way." Then, run for the hills