By J. Homen - 30/03/2013 22:22 - United States

Today, the girl I thought I was dating got into a fight with me over the phone. She did this because she bet her boyfriend that she could make me cry on FaceTime. She won the bet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 847
You deserved it 5 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a bitch. Don't worry about it, OP, some people are just complete douches.

Shit like this is why I hate people. WTF is wrong with her?!


If you didn't ask her out you're not dating. Don't assume.

Who actually spends their time forming a relationship with someone so they can deliberately **** them over? Literally the worst kind of people. It's sociopathic, really. Run away.

How did you think you were dating her??