By Leanne798 - 30/03/2013 23:16 - United States

Today, I boarded my first airplane flight. The girl on my right is sick, and the guy on my left says he gets extremely nauseous on flights. My earphones can't block out the panting and retching on either side of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 441
You deserved it 2 350

Leanne798 tells us more.

Yeah, OP here, this was a flight to the Philippines from California...14 hours of fun...

Top comments

Ask a flight attendant if there is any free spots you could move to. I've asked before, and they let me move(I was next to the most annoying kid).

yes buy sub-par headphones where 90% of what you pay for is the name.


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Beats are the most overrated and overpriced pieces of crap you can get. Get something else if you don't want to look like a hipster.

Maybe instead of listening to Lil Wayne you should invest in an education.

CharresBarkrey 15

Beats are horrible, don't waste your money. The sound leaks out for everyone around you to hear, and the earbuds that came with my iPod sound better.

The best earbuds (though who the hell could afford them) are JH Audio JH16's (8 drivers per ear, custom molded). Although honestly my $50 SkullCandy's work fine for me…

you should invest in some beats by dre those headsets will tune anything out.

yes buy sub-par headphones where 90% of what you pay for is the name.

unknownfork 12

The shitty headphones they provide you with on the plane are as good as Beats.

ariana_mia 6

It made no sense that your comment got so many negative votes. :|

Ask a flight attendant if there is any free spots you could move to. I've asked before, and they let me move(I was next to the most annoying kid).

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I don't think you want to tell someone with people being sick on either side to "Suck it up." Is it just me or is that a really bad choice of words..

vanessa09865 23

#4, I do hope you realize that you used the wrong 'butt'. Butt means your buttocks, ass, arse, behind, etc. In this case it should be 'but', which means yet, except, on the contrary, unless, if not, etc.

thank you for making my comment better with better spelling and more description

mif_fml 27

Don't forget grammar and of course the illusion of being educated. As long as you keep talking like you're from the ghetto, you will get down voted here.

it times like this, when good earphones and really loud heavy music are in order . better luck next time op.

Haha time for a long bathroom break to get away from them

What about the smell? I couldn't handle being in your shoes, I'm a sympathetic puker >.

I fly all the time and that's never happened to me. Try to think of this as a freak occurrence

Megan639 16

This is why I hate airplanes.

It is not always like this on planes. I have never had this happen to me and I have been on hundreds of flights. The worst that has happened to me was getting stuck next to a very obese man. Planes aren't for everyone though.

RpiesSPIES 27

All of MY plane flights have been smooth, as well. Never had many problems aside from the occasional kid crying many rows away in either direction. I do hate planes, but more because of the lack of sanitation and the possibility of crashing. The possibility of being near some nauseous or sick person is slimmer than the other possibilities.

Megan639 16

Really? Wait, you're both men huh? I once had the passenger next to me (who I didn't know) ask me if I wanted to join the "mile high club". Then I couldn't change seats.