By J. Homen - 30/03/2013 22:22 - United States

Today, the girl I thought I was dating got into a fight with me over the phone. She did this because she bet her boyfriend that she could make me cry on FaceTime. She won the bet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 847
You deserved it 5 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a bitch. Don't worry about it, OP, some people are just complete douches.

Shit like this is why I hate people. WTF is wrong with her?!


she is a bitch but you are still a pussy

"But i love you babe. i love you. please dont leave me babe. i ******* love you babe. i love you. Dont this to me babe. I ****** love you" :"( Please say you are not the YouTube video who just went viral b/c your life sucks man. I feel bad and sad for you. I once said to an ex "I lived the first 22yrs of my life without you, I can surely live another 22. So long asswipe". It's the mentality behind Op, you'll be alright :)

GetPuckedUp 3

more like **** her life for being a cold hearted bitch.

Panda_Shy_Haven 17

I'm really sorry, OP. She's not worth it - there's tons of better people out there and you'll find the right one.

I don't understand how horrid some people can be. Time to plan payback. Nair in shampoo if you can get it there or billboard saying she has an incurable std or something.

She's a complete bitch, and her boyfriend is a dick. Nobody should ever treat anyone like that. I'm sorry, just don't worry too much about it.

The cruelty we possess never ceases to amaze me.

What a sociopath! You deserve better than this sick bitch. FYL, but F hers more because she will never know the happiness you could have shown her.