By J. Homen - 30/03/2013 22:22 - United States

Today, the girl I thought I was dating got into a fight with me over the phone. She did this because she bet her boyfriend that she could make me cry on FaceTime. She won the bet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 847
You deserved it 5 792

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what a bitch. Don't worry about it, OP, some people are just complete douches.

Shit like this is why I hate people. WTF is wrong with her?!


Shouldn't have let her see the satisfaction of your tears. Hold it in next time OP

Dump her! For someone to do that to you does not deserve you. That was very low. Sorry op

One day the exact same will happen to her and when it does she will remember what she did to you OP

stephhrunsaway 21

Wow. Why are people cruel to others for their own amusement?

Dusty_Busters 15

That's absolutely horrible.

Your life is too confusing and seemingly pathetic to deal with at this level. You need to find a good Therapist that can shake some of the demons loose and help instill some confidence and pride. They might also be willing to help you bury that bitch you called your girlfriend?

Leave that ***** in the past. Just look to the future.

WTF?? Never ,ever let another person make you cry! You're way better than that! At least, never let 'em see you cry! What kind of person does that to another person?? You're better off without her!

SmokeyPlague 12