By jordigs - 23/12/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, the elderly couple next door asked me to cut down a tree in their yard. It turns out they told me to cut down the wrong tree, and I cut down the tree they got married under. They now hate me and tell me they plan to sue me for damage to property. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 511
You deserved it 4 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shadow33456 1

I feel bad for you but they told u to cut down that tree so it's not ur fault

why didn't they direct you to the correct tree, or better yet, supervise the tree cutting?


shadow33456 1

I feel bad for you but they told u to cut down that tree so it's not ur fault

Reyo 2

This is why I get shit in writting first.

Actually best way was to get things in writing or at very least have the couple mark a giant 'X' on the tree to cut. That way when you cut it down if this was an issue you could say, "Well they marked the tree to cut and here's the 'X' to prove it." In the end though people can rescind what they said earlier as if nothing ever took place. Getting a signed document is the only way to make sure things get done and done correctly (at least according to the law).

Averizzle 0

Lol they shouldn't be so pissed.. I mean they got married under a tree that's all it is. They should be happy they are still together and haven't died from anything..

73: How is he a douche bag? They asked him to cut down a tree and he did. They shouldn't be getting mad at him for their screw up

katrina0_00 0

YDI for living next to old people... haha

shadow33456 1

lol u shoulda chopped down both trees

ifailplzinsultme 0

why didn't they direct you to the correct tree, or better yet, supervise the tree cutting?

And of course they won't get anything for property damage, they told you to do it. Why are old people so stupid sometimes!?

thinmint 0

oh well. they asked you to cut it so it's not a legit case. don't worry about it.

clearly theyr just angry n saying stupid shit. their problem.

yes_im_hater 0

it's sad I know this is a repeat. what the hell. new material please

The whole thing sounds dumb to me, my concern is why it is always the elderly people's fault. I like to think the person cutting down the tree doesnt listen and cut the wrong one down.