By jordigs - 23/12/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, the elderly couple next door asked me to cut down a tree in their yard. It turns out they told me to cut down the wrong tree, and I cut down the tree they got married under. They now hate me and tell me they plan to sue me for damage to property. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 501
You deserved it 4 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shadow33456 1

I feel bad for you but they told u to cut down that tree so it's not ur fault

why didn't they direct you to the correct tree, or better yet, supervise the tree cutting?


They probably know they might've told you wrong and were just angry. A lot of people who are senile become very defensive and lash out rather than admit their mistake, because it's hard to be confronted with the fact that they can't trust their own minds anymore. Have some sympathy and unless something actually comes out of it let the whole thing go.

doglady 16

This proves that, once again, no good deed goes unpunished. I f'ing hate people.

MrAdventure 1

YDI. Whatever happened to "measure" twice, cut once? Measure, in this case, refers to confirming what you're supposed to do.

If you get a good lawyer your bound to win this case.

albeit 0

I can't tell whether the OP deserves it or whether his life sucks - there is a chance *he* could have made a mistake. Just because the couple is elderly doesn't mean they're forgetful or senile. If the OP did make a mistake like that then yes, he deserved it. However, if the OP is telling the truth, definitely FHL.

hthelittleone 10

I wouldn't give a shit if they were freakin born under tht tree

If they are an elderly couple and they got married under a tree... then the tree probably grew over time (40, 50 years). What were you doing cutting down a 40 or 50+ year old tree / how did you think it would fit in their house? I hope they have a giant tree stand for the trunk to fit into...

davina_fml 0

Damn I feel bad for you. its not like its your fault though. i doubt they can really sue you.

are you new to FML ? NEVER EVER HELP ANYONE unless its a girl and you are guaranteed action afterwards.

Well you've certainly earned your name, ladiesman14. I'm practically swooning.

Hell, even I'm swooning and I'm a guy, you must teach me!