By jordigs - 23/12/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, the elderly couple next door asked me to cut down a tree in their yard. It turns out they told me to cut down the wrong tree, and I cut down the tree they got married under. They now hate me and tell me they plan to sue me for damage to property. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 501
You deserved it 4 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shadow33456 1

I feel bad for you but they told u to cut down that tree so it's not ur fault

why didn't they direct you to the correct tree, or better yet, supervise the tree cutting?


kaizenblits 0

The elderly people are just a little forgetful. =S They cant win thye told you to do it, so blow it off.

And you are what to me Kylia that I would just magically obey you?!! Yeah umkay!!!

get them a christmas tree frm walmart in return.

Hope you learned a lesson, seriously always make sure the homeowner is actually the home owner and not a renter and always give them a can of bright orange paint to mark the trees they want down. BTW, I bet you have cursed their marriage now.

ensemble_coeur 0

that sucks. you tried to do them a favour, and now they can't handle the fact that THEY screwed up, not you. FYL

who would let anyone cut down anything without looking at what they were cutting first? just cuz they're elderly doesn't make them morons. sounds fishy.


everyone, the elderly are not stupid! it's either alzheimers or dementia. i deal with the elderly everyday. show some respect cause one day they'll be u

dudeitsdanny 9

They'll be me? A young, sane man? Why should I pity them then? =) I'm just messing. But "you'll be they" is the correct wording, unless you DO think they'll get younger.

This is why you have fists, there old, they cant fight fo shit

10001110101 0

old people are known to steal things, its a scientifically proven fact. why wouldnt they lie about the tree? they probably planned the whole thing to try and cash in on a lawsuit. I bet the old man has a gambling problem and is into a bookie for a few hundred thousand... the story about being married under that tree is a fabrication.