By Sparks - 27/04/2019 10:00 - United States - Taylor

Today, my neighbors threatened to sue me because a six-foot branch fell off one of my trees and into their yard, hitting nothing on the way down. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 217
You deserved it 232

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just let them. They wasting their time and money if they do.

Check your state's laws regarding trees. In most states, any branches hanging over a neighbor's yard is considered THEIR property, and therefore THEIR problem when they fall. Any part of a tree hanging over a property line isn't your tree parts.


Just let them. They wasting their time and money if they do.

lol, not really, they have every right to sue. You should really not be giving this person advice

They’ll be able to sue you for branch removal costs. No problem — that shouldn’t cost more than a few thousand bucks.

Check your state's laws regarding trees. In most states, any branches hanging over a neighbor's yard is considered THEIR property, and therefore THEIR problem when they fall. Any part of a tree hanging over a property line isn't your tree parts.

Depends on whether the tree is an obvious liability - it’s visibly damaged, diseased, dead, etc. In which case it’s the responsibility of the person who had the trunk on their property. If it’s not visibly a liability, it’s almost always classified as an “act of god”.

Nope. If your neighbor's tree has a damaged/diseased branch hanging over your yard, it's your branch and your responsibility to cut it off.

I think they meant if the whole tree is diseased or damaged, not just the one branch.

That law doesn't exist, sorry. Because I'm sure the OP would have shit her panties if they attempted to trim HER tree's branch. Are you a lawyer? No? Then stop ******* giving legal advice

Before it got cleaned up I hope you took lots of different angled photos...

tounces7 27

Won't hold up in court, even if it had landed on one of them. Which is unfortunate it didn't.

Property law, they're entirely correct. And the reason they could sue is for endangerment. Even though it hit nothing on the way down, it was your responsibility to trim whatever hangs over into their property line. And since it could have caused bodily harm, and I'm willing to bet they've asked you to look at the tree previously too, no pity from me. Know your laws, be nice to your neighbors, and just adult the **** up please? Can we all agree? This pity party needs to stop. Poor you? How about grow up YDI

Sage_Hope 3

If they want to sue you bring them to judge Judy. She will certainly see that what they’re saying is absolute and utter bullshit