By jordigs - 23/12/2009 08:46 - United States

Today, the elderly couple next door asked me to cut down a tree in their yard. It turns out they told me to cut down the wrong tree, and I cut down the tree they got married under. They now hate me and tell me they plan to sue me for damage to property. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 501
You deserved it 4 257

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shadow33456 1

I feel bad for you but they told u to cut down that tree so it's not ur fault

why didn't they direct you to the correct tree, or better yet, supervise the tree cutting?


10001110101 0

those old people should just get over it. they should be happy you cut that tree down. that way when when God strikes it with lightning, it wont hit their pathetic little house. they should bow down, and worship you. besides, old people are not to be trusted.

YDI FYL ! Merry Christmas and Happy all the other retarded Holidays that people celebrate FMLers ! i think i had too much egg nog with my adderall.

look at it this way they forgot telling you what tree they told you to cut down maybe they will forget the day you go to court and you will win by them not showing up

BlackW204 0

What an unfortunate set of circumstances. I would certainly offer apologies to them, but any further action certainly would not be required of you. As for their claim of damages they intend to seek retribution for: I do not know all of the details or the venue of this situation, however, in a general sense-- the property owners have not incurred any actual monetary damages. The only damages that could be awarded in judgment of this case would likely be a nominal type of award. Essentially, this would be a judgment placed on record in favor of the plaintiffs in this manner, but the damages awarded to them would be very nominal (ie. $1) as such they really have no monetary damages. I hope this helps. Good luck. 

Sounds like you're lucky they hate you now.. and if they told you to cut down the wrong tree, they'll probably forget all about it tomorrow anyway.

TryToBeKind 0

You may be able to throw away their lawsuit because they didn't have it in their contract for you to cut down the correct tree. It's possible your spoken contract was that you cut down the tree they asked you to, making it THEIR fault. But in the future, GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING. If they refuse to sign in, then tell them it is not happening.

deoxylophone 0

you think they'd realize you were going to cut down the wrong tree way before it was down.

Hugorgy 0

You know they're referring to the Shakespearean play "The Merchant of Venice". At least, that's what the "pound of flesh" part is referencing. Anybody?

Tell them they can suck it. and i agree with #70