By ilovemom - 01/12/2009 06:20 - Costa Rica

Today, after reading a very emotional article about always letting your loved ones know how much you love them in case it's your last time seeing them, I went to my mom and told her how much I loved her and how thankful I was for everything. Her reply? "Shut up kid, Vince Vaughn is on Ellen". FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 997
You deserved it 4 571

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xXOktoberXx 0

Sorry dude, my dad does the same thing. God forbid I interrupt his t.v. show or radio newscast, when I need to talk about school or ask a serious question! Parents, they want to know EVERYTHING in your life, then turn around and ignore you!

YDI for being an idiot. I mean those articles are "fear mongering" types of articles. Yes, your loved ones can die, or might be your last time seeing them. You can't live every day with the assumption that it is your last time you're ever going to see them. That's just idiotic and stupid. Memories are what count, you don't want to live remembering them and how you prepared to remember them by spending each day like it was their or your last.


@GR3453m0nk3y It's because I poted it from my iPhone so I wasn't sure. And now to celebrate YEYYYYYYY I'M FIRST!!!

ksmiley 0
spiderman0606 0

It's ELLEN! The mom has every right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

capgray 0

today, my son interupted me while watching vince vaughn on ellen. fml

Lone_Wolf_099 5

um poster is female so...YOU LOSE CAPI-TAN

GR3453m0nk3y 4

wow way to wase your comment stickwoman

xXOktoberXx 0

Sorry dude, my dad does the same thing. God forbid I interrupt his t.v. show or radio newscast, when I need to talk about school or ask a serious question! Parents, they want to know EVERYTHING in your life, then turn around and ignore you!

Ahh motherly love. Maybe Vince is secretley your father.$$$

perdix 29

It's because that is Earth-shattering news! Everyone knows that Ellen is the most "out-there" lesbian since Sappho. For Vince Vaughn to be "on her" would turn the world on its head!

Stop being a grammar-ho. You know what OP meant.

perdix 29

I'm not being a "grammar-ho," I'm being a logic-ho, because I wasn't complaining about the grammar of the post (*cough* run-on sentecnce *cough*), but interpreting the phrase "Vince Vaughn is on Ellen" literally.

9, he was just making a play on words. I personally thought it was funny

YDI for being an idiot. I mean those articles are "fear mongering" types of articles. Yes, your loved ones can die, or might be your last time seeing them. You can't live every day with the assumption that it is your last time you're ever going to see them. That's just idiotic and stupid. Memories are what count, you don't want to live remembering them and how you prepared to remember them by spending each day like it was their or your last.

redshortsx 0