By musicaddict - 10/03/2009 20:42 - United States

Today, the cute boy in my biology class I had been crushing on invited me over to study for a huge test. Once I got to his house, I really had to use the bathroom. I ended ending up taking a huge dump and clogging up his toilet. He had to come plunge it for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 363
You deserved it 24 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i'd lol if i were him, but that absolutely is not a deal-breaker or anything. shit happens, you know?;) (lame pun, i know)

hahha ew. you may not see to much of him anymore. hopefully he isnt shallow like that though. its what we all do. gl with that situation. i got a laugh outta it. next time. out the window


hahha ew. you may not see to much of him anymore. hopefully he isnt shallow like that though. its what we all do. gl with that situation. i got a laugh outta it. next time. out the window

lol don't feel bad i got sick when i was with a guy i was into. sooooooo awk

i'd lol if i were him, but that absolutely is not a deal-breaker or anything. shit happens, you know?;) (lame pun, i know)

It would be more of a FML if he decided "sorry. i can't be around you anymore because you had a massive bowel movement like everyone else has had in the world." but this still sucks nonetheless.

Mayonnaise_fml 0

haha I started laughing out loud.

greatnt249 0

Sounds like you should have held it in if you could have.

Can't you tell when it's gonna be a big dump? Flush when you're halfway through or plunge the toilet yourself (assuming there is one in the bathroom) to avoid future embarrassment.

I've said it before, I'll say it again: you mustn't be embarrassed about your woman-shit. You should be proud that you clogged his toilet, show him you're not messing around. You can rival his man-shit any day. Keep up the good work

qwertyuiop8989 0

I got really drunk and threw up all over my crush like the first time we actually hung out, we dated for almost 2 years after that....I wouldn't worry about it, he might still be into you after you did something nasty. Next time just throw it out the window like #1 suggested.

Fanny_fml 0

Lol this is pretty much a deal breaker, guys don't want to know that girls take craps too. :(