By musicaddict - 10/03/2009 20:42 - United States

Today, the cute boy in my biology class I had been crushing on invited me over to study for a huge test. Once I got to his house, I really had to use the bathroom. I ended ending up taking a huge dump and clogging up his toilet. He had to come plunge it for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 357
You deserved it 24 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

i'd lol if i were him, but that absolutely is not a deal-breaker or anything. shit happens, you know?;) (lame pun, i know)

hahha ew. you may not see to much of him anymore. hopefully he isnt shallow like that though. its what we all do. gl with that situation. i got a laugh outta it. next time. out the window


on one hand, i am of the mind that girls dont poop. but after reading these comments, although i am not a fan of woman-shit or fart, if i were the guy id probably be cracking up aside from the part where i had to unclog it. i am disturbed enough by unclogging my own *****, let alone someone else's. this does not mean he will continue to see you. if i were him i would probably never speak to you again. no offense, im just a bit crazy and this is not a subject i take lightly

Someone never heard about how everybody poops. Just a hint, everybody does include women, we poop!

that's ******* classic! i love it! next time, FLUSH REGULARLY. as in, while you poop.

greatnt249 0

"Today, I failed my biology final because I was so traumatized by the horrific deuce that this girl dropped in my toilet last night when she came over to study. FML"

nflpimp81 0

that is the most disgusting thing i have every heard! i would ask you to leave my house

Did you use his grandmothers loofa like in along came polly lmfao hahaha did no one else think of that movie while reading this

With all these clogging FML's im starting to doubt the sewegesystem in the USA.

zidane312 0

Hey, stuff happens. If i was the guy id give her a second chance. Girls dont poop! what? lol

kel_riv 0

THIS IS LIKE MY WORST FEAR EVER. i feel so bad for you, if that happened to me i would die.

alexa_rose 0

hahahhahah thats awesome and also the story of my life .. i cant even drink a bottle of water without having to shit it goes..flush first, if the toilet doesnt flush then, if it even stalls for a second, or looks like its from 1950, you better make up a good excuse and get the **** out of there .. that, or you better hope you can hold it in for the rest of the night and dont laugh or sneeze..haha, this seriously always happens, especially when you laugh to yourself in your head like a dick and youre like "imagine the toilet wont flush", and then it doesnt. and of course the bathroom you clog never has a plunger and the end result is you using your hand to pull your taco bell ***** out of the toilet bowl .. not good. and inevitably, by the time you come out of the bathroom 20 minutes later, the guy automatically figured you were taking a shit anyways..its a LOSE LOSE situation..

MiGman 5