
By Anonymous - 24/10/2015 01:32 - United States - Albuquerque

Today, at a family reunion, my grandpa loudly said that I look like "a cheap Vegas whore" because of my heavy purple eye-shadow. I could tell that a few other people agreed. I was too embarrassed to explain that the "eye-shadow" was just dark circles from fatigue. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 538
You deserved it 2 417

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Should have said "Oh I'm sorry, does it remind you of that story I wasn't suppose to tell grandma about?"

A07 48

You should've said "Ofcourse you'd know all about them" when he said that


ColonelCusswords 24

Look on the bright side, your dark eye circles make you look like "a cheap Vegas *****" not a cheap vegas drag queen like mine do

It also wasn't a black eye. That's another bright side.

ColonelCusswords 24
ColonelCusswords 24

It's probably not due to sleep. That kind is easy to conceal. As someone who has always suffered from dark circles due to genetics and sinus issues, I can attest that they are impossible to mask. I feel for you OP. I've been there.

Should have said "Oh I'm sorry, does it remind you of that story I wasn't suppose to tell grandma about?"

Hey, maybe a new career path for ya? Kidding, what a weenie.

Did you get punched in the face? How dark can those circles be??

Depending on what type, the allergic shiners and genetic type can get quite dark. Mine get almost black daily.

A07 48

You should've said "Ofcourse you'd know all about them" when he said that

lexiieeex3 32

Regardless of your age you never disrespect grandpa...

Abhimanyu 14

#48 I understand what you're saying but, sometimes you must stand up and speak for yourself. Blood relations don't give someone a right to insult their family members no matter how young or old they're.

Why would you be embarrassed? Just call him on it by saying thanks but it's not makeup you dick I simply have not been getting enough rest because (fill in the blank) and make him look like the asshat he is.

Yeah I'd be more embarrassed by people thinking I look like a cheap ***** than by having them know that I haven't gotten much sleep.

I'm with 25. Isn't it less embarrassing to have dark circles? And by the way, what the **** kind of grandfather does OP have...

By the sounds of it, one of the ones who always blames everything on the commies.

don't worry, I used to be a bastard in my grandpa's eyes too, but he passed away :|

typical family reunion in a nutshell. .