By JustMarried - 07/05/2016 21:47 - Ukraine

Today, my wife wanted to have a threesome. During our honeymoon. With the maid of honor. I didn't sign up for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 209
You deserved it 4 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohsnapword 21

Could be a lot worse. She could have wanted a threesome with the best man.

Maybe she's just testing you to see if you will actually go for it. Or maybe she just wanted to surprise you and assumed you wanted a threesome.


If I wanted to disappoint two people at the same time, I'd visit my parents.

I think thats a great thing. Not for your honeymoon though

freedom111 7

Humblebrag has a new brother- fmlbrag

Neko26_fml 4

I've never understood why someone would get married and then want **** everyone else. I wouldn't even want to get married and waste someone's time if I'm having sex with many different people. Maybe that's just me.

Seriously??? Something every man dreams of and you didn't sign up for it? Maybe you'd have preferred the best man.

@32 Not all men dream of it. my boyfriend has no interest in inviting anyone else into our bed, be it female or male.

It sounds like a trap. If he goes for it I am 95% sure that at some point in the near future, she will say something along the lines of "oh yeah? Well you had had sex with the maid of honor after our wedding!"

He can throw hat right back at her and say " Yeah? So did you"

At least it wasn't the maid of the hotel

Why the hell are you complaining about that. That's an amazing honeymoon start and end.