By JustMarried - 07/05/2016 21:47 - Ukraine

Today, my wife wanted to have a threesome. During our honeymoon. With the maid of honor. I didn't sign up for this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 209
You deserved it 4 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ohsnapword 21

Could be a lot worse. She could have wanted a threesome with the best man.

Maybe she's just testing you to see if you will actually go for it. Or maybe she just wanted to surprise you and assumed you wanted a threesome.


Kg317 18

this dude just seems really ungrateful

Sounds like you hit the jackpot!

Why is this an FML? Unless the maid of honour is related to you, you my good sir have hit the jackpot

oisi 1

I don't see what you are complaining about... You describe every guy's drem coming true!

I don't see how this is a legitimate complaint?!?!!

xxWTFxx1981 23

seriously do it if it makes her happy trust 20 years of the same type of sex over and over will dull a marriage and maybe even break it. not saying it will be easy but better than her starting out with 50 shades of grey... but hey if you're into that do this for her and by logic she should do that for you... go get her tiger... or should i say them...